www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/piwik/piwik/plugins/Login/Controller.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik\Plugins\Login;

use Exception;
use Piwik\Access;
use Piwik\Auth as AuthInterface;
use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Config;
use Piwik\Cookie;
use Piwik\Log;
use Piwik\Nonce;
use Piwik\Piwik;
use Piwik\QuickForm2;
use Piwik\Session;
use Piwik\Url;
use Piwik\View;

 * Login controller
class Controller extends \Piwik\Plugin\Controller
     * @var PasswordResetter
    private $passwordResetter;

     * @var Auth
    private $auth;

     * @var SessionInitializer
    private $sessionInitializer;

     * Constructor.
     * @param PasswordResetter $passwordResetter
     * @param AuthInterface $auth
     * @param SessionInitializer $authenticatedSessionFactory
\     */
    public function __construct($passwordResetter = null, $auth = null, $sessionInitializer = null)

        if (empty($passwordResetter)) {
            $passwordResetter = new PasswordResetter();
        $this->passwordResetter = $passwordResetter;

        if (empty($auth)) {
            $auth = \Piwik\Registry::get('auth');
        $this->auth = $auth;

        if (empty($sessionInitializer)) {
            $sessionInitializer = new SessionInitializer();
        $this->sessionInitializer = $sessionInitializer;

     * Default action
     * @param none
     * @return string
    function index()
        return $this->login();

     * Login form
     * @param string $messageNoAccess Access error message
     * @param bool $infoMessage
     * @internal param string $currentUrl Current URL
     * @return string
    function login($messageNoAccess = null, $infoMessage = false)
        $form = new FormLogin();
        if ($form->validate()) {
            $nonce = $form->getSubmitValue('form_nonce');
            if (Nonce::verifyNonce('Login.login', $nonce)) {
                $login = $form->getSubmitValue('form_login');
                $password = $form->getSubmitValue('form_password');
                $rememberMe = $form->getSubmitValue('form_rememberme') == '1';
                try {
                    $this->authenticateAndRedirect($login, $password, $rememberMe);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $messageNoAccess = $e->getMessage();
            } else {
                $messageNoAccess = $this->getMessageExceptionNoAccess();

        $view = new View('@Login/login');
        $view->AccessErrorString = $messageNoAccess;
        $view->infoMessage = nl2br($infoMessage);

        return $view->render();

     * Configure common view properties
     * @param View $view
    private function configureView($view)

        $view->linkTitle = Piwik::getRandomTitle();

        // crsf token: don't trust the submitted value; generate/fetch it from session data
        $view->nonce = Nonce::getNonce('Login.login');

     * Form-less login
     * @see how to use it on http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_30
     * @throws Exception
     * @return void
    function logme()
        $password = Common::getRequestVar('password', null, 'string');

        $login = Common::getRequestVar('login', null, 'string');
        if (Piwik::hasTheUserSuperUserAccess($login)) {
            throw new Exception(Piwik::translate('Login_ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod', array("logme")));

        $currentUrl = 'index.php';

        if (($idSite = Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false, 'int')) !== false) {
            $currentUrl .= '?idSite=' . $idSite;

        $urlToRedirect = Common::getRequestVar('url', $currentUrl, 'string');
        $urlToRedirect = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($urlToRedirect);

        $this->authenticateAndRedirect($login, $password, false, $urlToRedirect, $passwordHashed = true);

     * Authenticate user and password.  Redirect if successful.
     * @param string $login user name
     * @param string $password md5 password
     * @param bool $rememberMe Remember me?
     * @param string $urlToRedirect URL to redirect to, if successfully authenticated
     * @return string failure message if unable to authenticate
    protected function authenticateAndRedirect($login, $password, $rememberMe, $urlToRedirect = false, $passwordHashed = false)

        if ($passwordHashed === false) {
        } else {

        $this->sessionInitializer->initSession($this->auth, $rememberMe);

        // remove password reset entry if it exists

        if (empty($urlToRedirect)) {
            $urlToRedirect = Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString();


    protected function getMessageExceptionNoAccess()
        $message = Piwik::translate('Login_InvalidNonceOrHeadersOrReferrer', array('<a href="?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=' . urlencode('http://piwik.org/faq/how-to-install/#faq_98') . '" target="_blank">', '</a>'));
        // Should mention trusted_hosts or link to FAQ
        return $message;

     * Reset password action. Stores new password as hash and sends email
     * to confirm use.
     * @param none
    function resetPassword()
        $infoMessage = null;
        $formErrors = null;

        $form = new FormResetPassword();
        if ($form->validate()) {
            $nonce = $form->getSubmitValue('form_nonce');
            if (Nonce::verifyNonce('Login.login', $nonce)) {
                $formErrors = $this->resetPasswordFirstStep($form);
                if (empty($formErrors)) {
                    $infoMessage = Piwik::translate('Login_ConfirmationLinkSent');
            } else {
                $formErrors = array($this->getMessageExceptionNoAccess());
        } else {
            // if invalid, display error
            $formData = $form->getFormData();
            $formErrors = $formData['errors'];

        $view = new View('@Login/resetPassword');
        $view->infoMessage = $infoMessage;
        $view->formErrors = $formErrors;

        return $view->render();

     * Saves password reset info and sends confirmation email.
     * @param QuickForm2 $form
     * @return array Error message(s) if an error occurs.
    private function resetPasswordFirstStep($form)
        $loginMail = $form->getSubmitValue('form_login');
        $password  = $form->getSubmitValue('form_password');

        try {
            $this->passwordResetter->initiatePasswordResetProcess($loginMail, $password);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {

            return array($ex->getMessage());

        return null;

     * Password reset confirmation action. Finishes the password reset process.
     * Users visit this action from a link supplied in an email.
    public function confirmResetPassword()
        $errorMessage = null;

        $login = Common::getRequestVar('login', '');
        $resetToken = Common::getRequestVar('resetToken', '');

        try {
            $this->passwordResetter->confirmNewPassword($login, $resetToken);
        } catch (Exception $ex) {

            $errorMessage = $ex->getMessage();

        if (is_null($errorMessage)) { // if success, show login w/ success message
            // have to do this as super user since redirectToIndex checks if there's a default website ID for
            // the current user and if not, doesn't redirect to the requested action. TODO: this behavior is wrong. somehow.
            $self = $this;
            Access::doAsSuperUser(function () use ($self) {
                $self->redirectToIndex(Piwik::getLoginPluginName(), 'resetPasswordSuccess');
            return null;
        } else {
            // show login page w/ error. this will keep the token in the URL
            return $this->login($errorMessage);

     * The action used after a password is successfully reset. Displays the login
     * screen with an extra message. A separate action is used instead of returning
     * the HTML in confirmResetPassword so the resetToken won't be in the URL.
    public function resetPasswordSuccess()
        return $this->login($errorMessage = null, $infoMessage = Piwik::translate('Login_PasswordChanged'));

     * Clear session information
     * @param none
     * @return void
    public static function clearSession()
        $authCookieName = Config::getInstance()->General['login_cookie_name'];
        $cookie = new Cookie($authCookieName);


     * Logout current user
     * @param none
     * @return void
    public function logout()

        $logoutUrl = @Config::getInstance()->General['login_logout_url'];
        if (empty($logoutUrl)) {
        } else {